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Command-Line Help for Surveilr

This document contains the help content for the surveilr command-line program.

Command Overview:


Usage: surveilr [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • admin — Admin / maintenance utilities
  • capturable-exec — Capturable Executables (CE) maintenance tools
  • ingest — Ingest content from device file system and other sources
  • notebooks — Notebooks maintenance utilities
  • web-ui — Configuration to start the SQLPage webserver
  • udi — Universal Data Infrastructure
  • upgrade — Update surveilr to latest or specific version
  • orchestrate — Enable RSSDs to execute SQL-based validation and log “issues,” “warnings,” and other notifications into the orchestration tables
  • doctor — Print out the versions of external dependencies that surveilr uses on the current host
  • shell — Execute sqlite3 and duckdb commands directly with unopinionated and very lightweight logging. This command is the generalized version of orchestrate
  • --device-name <DEVICE_NAME> — How to identify this device

    Default value: Abdulbaasit

  • -d, --debug — Turn debugging information on (repeat for higher levels)

  • --log-mode <LOG_MODE> — Output logs in json format

    Possible values: full, json, compact

  • --log-file <LOG_FILE> — File for logs to be written to

surveilr admin

Admin / maintenance utilities

Usage: surveilr admin <COMMAND>

  • init — initialize an empty database with bootstrap.sql
  • merge — merge multiple surveillance state databases into a single one
  • cli-help-md — generate CLI help markdown
  • test — generate CLI help markdown
  • credentials — emit credentials

surveilr admin init

initialize an empty database with bootstrap.sql

Usage: surveilr admin init [OPTIONS]

  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • -I, --state-db-init-sql <STATE_DB_INIT_SQL> — one or more globs to match as SQL files and batch execute them in alpha order

  • -r, --remove-existing-first — remove the existing database first

    Possible values: true, false

  • --with-device — add the current device in the empty database’s device table

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr admin merge

merge multiple surveillance state databases into a single one

Usage: surveilr admin merge [OPTIONS]

  • -c, --candidates <CANDIDATES> — one or more DB name globs to match and merge

    Default value: *.db

  • -i, --ignore-candidates <IGNORE_CANDIDATES> — one or more DB name globs to ignore if they match

  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database with merged content

    Default value: resource-surveillance-aggregated.sqlite.db

  • -I, --state-db-init-sql <STATE_DB_INIT_SQL> — one or more globs to match as SQL files and batch execute them in alpha order

  • -r, --remove-existing-first — remove the existing database first

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sql-only — only generate SQL and emit to STDOUT (no actual merge)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --detach-on-exit — Add DETACH statements to the SQL statements for the merge

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • -p, --table-name-patterns <TABLE_NAME_PATTERNS> — List of table name in SQL like pattern to match

    Default value: uniform_resource_%

surveilr admin cli-help-md

generate CLI help markdown

Usage: surveilr admin cli-help-md

surveilr admin test

generate CLI help markdown

Usage: surveilr admin test <COMMAND>

  • classifiers — test capturable executables files

surveilr admin test classifiers

test capturable executables files

Usage: surveilr admin test classifiers [OPTIONS]

  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • -I, --state-db-init-sql <STATE_DB_INIT_SQL> — one or more globs to match as SQL files and batch execute them in alpha order

  • --builtins — only show the builtins, not from the database

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr admin credentials

emit credentials

Usage: surveilr admin credentials <COMMAND>

  • microsoft-365 — microsoft 365 credentials

surveilr admin credentials microsoft-365

microsoft 365 credentials

Usage: surveilr admin credentials microsoft-365 [OPTIONS] --client-id <CLIENT_ID> --client-secret <CLIENT_SECRET>

  • -i, --client-id <CLIENT_ID> — Client ID of the application from MSFT Azure App Directory

  • -s, --client-secret <CLIENT_SECRET> — Client Secret of the application from MSFT Azure App Directory

  • -r, --redirect-uri <REDIRECT_URI> — Redirect URL. Base redirect URL path. It gets concatenated with the server address to form the full redirect url, when using the auth_code mode for token generation

  • --env — Emit values to stdout

    Possible values: true, false

  • --export — Emit values to stdout with the “export” syntax right in front to enable direct sourcing

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr capturable-exec

Capturable Executables (CE) maintenance tools

Usage: surveilr capturable-exec <COMMAND>

  • ls — list potential capturable executables
  • test — test capturable executables files

surveilr capturable-exec ls

list potential capturable executables

Usage: surveilr capturable-exec ls [OPTIONS]

  • -r, --root-fs-path <ROOT_FS_PATH> — one or more root paths to ingest

    Default value: .

  • --markdown — emit the results as markdown, not a simple table

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr capturable-exec test

test capturable executables files

Usage: surveilr capturable-exec test <COMMAND>

  • file — test capturable executables files
  • task — Execute a task string as if it was run by ingest tasks and show the output

surveilr capturable-exec test file

test capturable executables files

Usage: surveilr capturable-exec test file --fs-path <FS_PATH>

  • -f, --fs-path <FS_PATH>

surveilr capturable-exec test task

Execute a task string as if it was run by ingest tasks and show the output

Usage: surveilr capturable-exec test task [OPTIONS]

  • -s, --stdin — send commands in via STDIN the same as with ingest tasks and just emit the output

    Possible values: true, false

  • -t, --task <TASK> — one or more commands that would work as a Deno Task line

  • --cwd <CWD> — use this as the current working directory (CWD)

surveilr ingest

Ingest content from device file system and other sources

Usage: surveilr ingest <COMMAND>

  • files — Ingest content from device file system and other sources
  • tasks — Notebooks maintenance utilities
  • imap — Ingest content from email boxes When multiple filters (to, cc, bcc, subject, sent_on and status flags) are specified, the result is the intersection of all the messages that match those filters. Or, in other words, only messages that match all the filters
  • plm — Ingest content from issues

surveilr ingest files

Ingest content from device file system and other sources

Usage: surveilr ingest files [OPTIONS]

  • --dry-run — don’t run the ingestion, just report statistics

    Possible values: true, false

  • -b, --behavior <BEHAVIOR> — the behavior name in behavior table

  • -r, --root-fs-path <ROOT_FS_PATH> — one or more root paths to ingest

    Default value: .

  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • -I, --state-db-init-sql <STATE_DB_INIT_SQL> — one or more globs to match as SQL files and batch execute them in alpha order

  • --include-state-db-in-ingestion — include the surveil database in the ingestion candidates

    Possible values: true, false

  • --stats — show stats as an ASCII table after completion

    Possible values: true, false

  • --stats-json — show stats in JSON after completion

    Possible values: true, false

  • --save-behavior <SAVE_BEHAVIOR> — save the options as a new behavior

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — Tenant Identifier for multitenancy

  • --tenant-name <TENANT_NAME> — Tenant name for multitenancy

  • --csv-transform-auto — Auto Transfrom CSV ingested from files

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr ingest tasks

Notebooks maintenance utilities

Usage: surveilr ingest tasks [OPTIONS]

  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • -I, --state-db-init-sql <STATE_DB_INIT_SQL> — one or more globs to match as SQL files and batch execute them in alpha order

  • --stdin — read tasks from STDIN

    Possible values: true, false

  • --stats — show session stats after completion

    Possible values: true, false

  • --stats-json — show session stats as JSON after completion

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr ingest imap

Ingest content from email boxes When multiple filters (to, cc, bcc, subject, sent_on and status flags) are specified, the result is the intersection of all the messages that match those filters. Or, in other words, only messages that match all the filters

Usage: surveilr ingest imap [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • microsoft-365 — Microsoft 365 Credentials
  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • -I, --state-db-init-sql <STATE_DB_INIT_SQL> — one or more globs to match as SQL files and batch execute them in alpha order

  • -u, --username <USERNAME> — email address

  • -p, --password <PASSWORD> — password to the email. mainly an app password. See the documentation on how to create an app password

  • -a, --server-addr <SERVER_ADDR> — IMAP server address. e.g or

  • --port <PORT> — IMAP server port

    Default value: 993

  • -f, --folder <FOLDER> — Mailboxes to read from. i.e folders. Takes a regular expression matching the folder names. The default is a ”*” which means all folders

    Default value: *

  • -s, --status <STATUS> — Status of the messages to be ingested

    Possible values: all, unread, read, starred, deleted, draft

  • -b, --batch-size <BATCH_SIZE> — Maximum number of messages to be ingested

    Default value: 1000

  • -e, --extract-attachments <EXTRACT_ATTACHMENTS> — Extract Attachments

    Possible values:

    • no: Pass “no” or omit to skip extracting attachments
    • yes: Pass “yes” to extract to put into ur_ingest_session_attachment table only
    • uniform-resource: Pass “uniform-resource” to put into both ur_ingest_session_attachment`` table and uniform_resource“ table
  • --progress — Display progress animation for emails downloading and processing

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --subject <SUBJECT> — Filter messages that contain the specified string in the SUBJECT field

  • --cc <CC> — Filter messages that contain the specified string in the CC field

  • --bcc <BCC> — Filter messages that contain the specified string in the BCC field

  • --filter-text <FILTER_TEXT> — Messages that contain the specified string in the header or body of the message

  • --from <FROM> — Filter messages that contain the specified string in the FROM field

  • --to <TO> — Filter messages that contain the specified string in the TO field

  • --sent-on <SENT_ON> — Messages whose [RFC-2822] Date: header (disregarding time and timezone) is within the specified date. Note: the format must be like: 1-Feb-1994. Check this RFC ( for more details

surveilr ingest imap microsoft-365

Microsoft 365 Credentials

Usage: surveilr ingest imap microsoft-365 [OPTIONS] --client-id <CLIENT_ID> --client-secret <CLIENT_SECRET> --mode <MODE>

  • -i, --client-id <CLIENT_ID> — Client ID of the application from MSFT Azure App Directory

  • -s, --client-secret <CLIENT_SECRET> — Client Secret of the application from MSFT Azure App Directory

  • -m, --mode <MODE> — The mode to generate an access_token. Default is ‘DeviceCode’

    Possible values: auth-code, device-code

  • -a, --addr <ADDR> — Address to start the authentication server on, when using the auth_code mode for token generation

    Default value:

  • -r, --redirect-uri <REDIRECT_URI> — Redirect URL. Base redirect URL path. It gets concatenated with the server address to form the full redirect url, when using the auth_code mode for token generation

    Default value: /redirect

  • -p, --port <PORT> — Port to bind the server to

    Default value: 8000

surveilr ingest plm

Ingest content from issues

Usage: surveilr ingest plm [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • github — Github credentials
  • jira — Jira Instance
  • gitlab — A Gitlab instance
  • open-project — An Open Project Instance
  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • -I, --state-db-init-sql <STATE_DB_INIT_SQL> — one or more globs to match as SQL files and batch execute them in alpha order

  • -b, --batch-size <BATCH_SIZE> — Maximum number of issues to be ingested

    Default value: 1000

  • -e, --extract-attachments <EXTRACT_ATTACHMENTS> — Extract Attachments

    Possible values:

    • no: Pass “no” or omit to skip extracting attachments
    • yes: Pass “yes” to extract to put into ur_ingest_session_attachment table only
    • uniform-resource: Pass “uniform-resource” to put into both ur_ingest_session_attachment`` table and uniform_resource“ table
  • --progress — Display progress animation for PLM resources downloading and processing

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr ingest plm github

Github credentials

Usage: surveilr ingest plm github [OPTIONS] --org <ORG> --repo <REPO>

  • -o, --org <ORG> — Organisation Name

  • -t, --token <TOKEN> — Github PAT for accessing private repositiories

  • -r, --repo <REPO> — Name of the repository to fetch issues from

  • -s, --state <STATE> — Filter the github issues by state. Defaults to All

    Possible values:

    • all: All Issues
    • open: Open issues only
    • closed: Closed Issues only

surveilr ingest plm jira

Jira Instance

Usage: surveilr ingest plm jira [OPTIONS] --org <ORG> --project <PROJECT>

  • -o, --org <ORG> — The host to fetch projects from. e.g
  • -k, --key <KEY> — API Key for accessing private instances
  • -u, --user <USER> — Username for accessing private instances using the Basic Authentication mechanism
  • -p, --project <PROJECT> — Name of the project for fetch issues from

surveilr ingest plm gitlab

A Gitlab instance

Usage: surveilr ingest plm gitlab [OPTIONS] --host <HOST> --organization <ORGANIZATION> --token <TOKEN> --project <PROJECT>

  • --host <HOST> — The Gitlab host. e.g.,

  • -o, --organization <ORGANIZATION> — The organisation name in the host. e.g, gitlab-org

  • -t, --token <TOKEN> — Gitlab PAT for accessing private repositiories

  • -p, --project <PROJECT> — Name of the project to fetch issues from

  • -s, --state <STATE> — Filter the gitlab issues by state. Defaults to All

    Possible values:

    • all: All Issues
    • open: Open issues only
    • closed: Closed Issues only

surveilr ingest plm open-project

An Open Project Instance

Usage: surveilr ingest plm open-project --host <HOST> --token <TOKEN> --project <PROJECT>

  • --host <HOST> — The Open Project host. e.g.,
  • -t, --token <TOKEN> — Open Project Token for accessing private instances
  • -p, --project <PROJECT> — Name of the project to fetch issues from

surveilr notebooks

Notebooks maintenance utilities

Usage: surveilr notebooks [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • cat — Notebooks’ cells emit utilities
  • ls — list all notebooks
  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • -I, --state-db-init-sql <STATE_DB_INIT_SQL> — one or more globs to match as SQL files and batch execute them in alpha order

surveilr notebooks cat

Notebooks’ cells emit utilities

Usage: surveilr notebooks cat [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook <NOTEBOOK> — search for these notebooks (include % for LIKE otherwise =)

  • -c, --cell <CELL> — search for these cells (include % for LIKE otherwise =)

  • -s, --seps — add separators before each cell

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr notebooks ls

list all notebooks

Usage: surveilr notebooks ls [OPTIONS]

  • -m, --migratable — list all SQL cells that will be handled by execute_migrations

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr web-ui

Configuration to start the SQLPage webserver

Usage: surveilr web-ui [OPTIONS] --port <PORT>

  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • -u, --url-base-path <URL_BASE_PATH> — Base URL for SQLPage to start from. Defaults to “/index.sql”

    Default value: /

  • -p, --port <PORT> — Port to bind sqplage webserver to

  • --host <HOST> — Host to bind the server to

    Default value: localhost

  • -o, --otel <OTEL> — Port that any OTEL compatible service is running on

  • -m, --metrics <METRICS> — Metrics port. Used for scraping metrics with tools like OpenObserve or Prometheus

  • --open — Open the SQLPage webpage in the default browser

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr udi

Universal Data Infrastructure

Usage: surveilr udi <COMMAND>

  • pgp — UDI PostgreSQL Proxy for remote SQL starts up a server which pretends to be PostgreSQL but proxies its SQL to other CLI services with SQL-like interface (called SQL Suppliers)
  • admin

surveilr udi pgp

UDI PostgreSQL Proxy for remote SQL starts up a server which pretends to be PostgreSQL but proxies its SQL to other CLI services with SQL-like interface (called SQL Suppliers)

Usage: surveilr udi pgp [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • osquery — query a machine
  • -a, --addr <ADDR> — IP address to bind udi-pgp to

    Default value:

  • -u, --username <USERNAME> — Username for authentication

  • -p, --password <PASSWORD> — Password for authentication

  • -i, --supplier-id <SUPPLIER_ID> — Identification for the supplier which will be passed to the client. e.g surveilr udi pgp -u john -p doe -i test-supplier osquery local The psql comand will be: psql -h -p 5432 -d “test-supplier” -c “select * from system_info”

  • -c, --config <CONFIG> — Config file for UDI-PGP. Either a .ncl file or JSON file

  • -d, --admin-state-fs-path <ADMIN_STATE_FS_PATH> — Admin SQLite Database path for state management

    Default value: resource-surveillance-admin.sqlite.db

surveilr udi pgp osquery

query a machine

Usage: surveilr udi pgp osquery <COMMAND>

  • local — execute osquery on the local machine
  • remote — execute osquery on remote hosts

surveilr udi pgp osquery local

execute osquery on the local machine

Usage: surveilr udi pgp osquery local [OPTIONS]

  • -a, --atc-file-path <ATC_FILE_PATH> — ATC Configuration File path

surveilr udi pgp osquery remote

execute osquery on remote hosts

Usage: surveilr udi pgp osquery remote [OPTIONS]

  • -s, --ssh-targets <SSH_TARGETS> — SSH details of hosts to execute osquery on including and identifier. e,g. “user@,john”/“,doe”

surveilr udi admin

Usage: surveilr udi admin

surveilr upgrade

Update surveilr to latest or specific version

Usage: surveilr upgrade [OPTIONS]

  • -v, --version <VERSION> — The version to update to. If not present, it defaults to the latest

  • -y, --yes — Skip confirmation

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • -t, --token <TOKEN> — An optional Github autehntication token to authenticate requests or to prevent rate limiting

surveilr orchestrate

Enable RSSDs to execute SQL-based validation and log “issues,” “warnings,” and other notifications into the orchestration tables

Usage: surveilr orchestrate [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • sessions
  • notebooks
  • transform-csv — Resource transformation utilities for CSV data stored in the RSSD
  • transform-html — Resource transformation utilities for CSV data stored in the RSSD
  • transform-xml — Resource transformation utilities for CSV data stored in the RSSD
  • transform-markdown
  • -s, --sql <SCRIPTS> — one or more globs to match as SQL files and batch execute them in alpha order

  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • -n, --nature <NATURE> — Nature of the orchestration

    Possible values: v&v, deidentification, surveilr-transform-csv, surveilr-transform-html, surveilr-transform-xml

  • --save-script — Save script content to RSSD

    Default value: true

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr orchestrate sessions

Usage: surveilr orchestrate sessions

surveilr orchestrate notebooks

Usage: surveilr orchestrate notebooks [OPTIONS]

  • -n, --notebook <NOTEBOOK> — search for these notebooks (include % for LIKE otherwise =)
  • -c, --cell <CELL> — search for these cells (include % for LIKE otherwise =)
  • -a, --arg <ARG> — create a temp table called surveilr_orchestration_session_arg with columns session_id, key and value which will simple insert all args as rows in the temp table that the code_notebook_cell SQL code can rely on

surveilr orchestrate transform-csv

Resource transformation utilities for CSV data stored in the RSSD

Usage: surveilr orchestrate transform-csv [OPTIONS]

  • -r, --reset-transforms — Indicates if all current transforms should be deleted before running the transform

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • -m, --reduce-data-duplication — Nulls out the content table in uniform_resource for those content which were transformed to tables

    Default value: true

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr orchestrate transform-html

Resource transformation utilities for CSV data stored in the RSSD

Usage: surveilr orchestrate transform-html [OPTIONS]

  • -r, --reset-transforms — Indicates if all current transforms should be deleted before running the transform

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • -m, --reduce-data-duplication — Nulls out the content table in uniform_resource for those content which were transformed to tables

    Default value: true

    Possible values: true, false

  • -c, --css-select <CSS_SELECT> — List of CSS selectors with names and values. e.g. -css-select=“name_of_select_query:div > p” i.e, select all p tags in a div tag

  • -f, --format <FORMAT> — Format the content should be transformed into

    Default value: json

    Possible values: json

surveilr orchestrate transform-xml

Resource transformation utilities for CSV data stored in the RSSD

Usage: surveilr orchestrate transform-xml [OPTIONS]

  • -r, --reset-transforms — Indicates if all current transforms should be deleted before running the transform

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • -m, --reduce-data-duplication — Nulls out the content table in uniform_resource for those content which were transformed to tables

    Default value: true

    Possible values: true, false

surveilr orchestrate transform-markdown

Usage: surveilr orchestrate transform-markdown

surveilr doctor

Print out the versions of external dependencies that surveilr uses on the current host

Usage: surveilr doctor

surveilr shell

Execute sqlite3 and duckdb commands directly with unopinionated and very lightweight logging. This command is the generalized version of orchestrate

Usage: surveilr shell [OPTIONS] [SCRIPTS]...

  • <SCRIPTS> — SQL scripts to execute (file paths or URLs)
  • -d, --state-db-fs-path <STATE_DB_FS_PATH> — target SQLite database

    Default value: resource-surveillance.sqlite.db

  • --engine <ENGINE> — Perform all SQL executions with this shell. Defaults to rusqlite(which is also sqlite3)

    Default value: rusqlite

    Possible values: rusqlite, duckdb, rhai

  • --cmd <CMD> — run “COMMAND” before reading stdin

  • --no-observability — skip logging. shell executions are logged in `orchestration_*“ related tables

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Return the output of the last SQL statement in JSON

    Default value: json

    Possible values: json, line, table

  • --import-env <IMPORT_ENV> — Import environment variables to place into the session_state_ephemeral table. Pass .* to import all env variables or any regular expression to determine which env vars are imported

  • --session-state-table-name <SESSION_STATE_TABLE_NAME> — A Special argument to override the name of session_state_ephemeral

    Default value: session_state_ephemeral